It’s Snowing
It’s been the talk for days. “Have you heard? We might get a foot of snow.” The prediction was for it to start before sunrise on Friday, then changed to 10 a.m., and then to 1 p.m. Two days before the snow was predicted, lines at the grocery store were wrapped around and down aisles. All were preparing for the great storm to come.
For those of you who live in the north, a foot of snow is, “Much to do about nothing,” I’m sure, but for those of us in Central/Eastern Virginia, we rarely get deep snows so for us it’s truly a big event. There’s a mixture of excitement but then also dread for the days after. Our road and power crews do an awesome job and truly do their best to keep everything moving but since snow storms happen so rarely, they only have so much available to them. With this storm in particular, it was predicted to hit all of Virginia so pulling from one area to another is not really a possibility. Therefore, I had to plan for whatever might happen knowing we would be on our own for a while out here in rural Virginia.
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